Thursday 22 November 2007

Faculty of Law

This is a Sketch I made on Faculty of law. I hope you can enjoy it, thanks for everything.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Elías' blog

The purpose of this post is to give you an explanation and one evaluation about de Blog of Elías, which is called "Elias's newspaper" I have sometimes visited his site, but in this ocasion I'll write about my current perception of the site. I think the post are good, the explanations and style of writing are clear and interesting. The chromatic combination, among the text, the links and the site, makes very easy the work of reading, the colours make a difference very useful.
I think he should write more about the topics he exposed there in the posts. One waits to find more with respect to favourite websites, or more about the life and work of Totila Albert. However, I get surprised with the blog, because it is very good, well done, not boring... an invitation to read.

A beautiful experience

My experience with blogs began on 2005, many times I have heard about blogs, but I didn't know what was it, how was it, etc. Then I opened on 3rd October of 2005 with the title Historiae mundi iusque ignoti (Stories of a wold and a law unknown) and the first post was "Las divagaciones de la Microeconomía" (Translated: "Microeconomics ramblings"). In that post I began speaking about a on that subject, I continued with a brief description on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, and after about a certain topics (The link is On the past years I decided opened a new one Called "Mefistófeles", with respect to a Civil Law final(
But this years I had to create a new blog for the subject of English. In my first blogs I had published texts in english, but not the whole blogs was in english, but this, called "Learn Easy", has been definitively very good experience, because it is an oportunity to develop some skills in written english, and a potential tool to reach that other kind of people know my opinion about some topics.
However, I think that time play against this activity, because one have not always enough time to write all the things one wants to write.

Monday 22 October 2007

Perfume: The story of a Murderer

This is a very beautiful movie. The story revolves about Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, whose particular sense of smell was very developed, therefore he could smell things that nobody else could do. However he didn't have a smell of himself. This story is placed in the 18th century, in Paris, suposedly the most fetid town of Europe. And precisely he came to born in a market, where his mother worked selling fish. He had been raised in an orphanage while a convent paid his stay there. But when convent paid no more, the mistress of orphange sold him to a tanner. However he suffered many illnesses, but everyone of them made him stronger. Once he felt a rare fragance, it was a girl who sold plums, she didn't realise he was watching her until he was beside her, she wanted to cry very loud, but he tightened her neck so strong that she died. He enjoyedher odor while he could from her corpse.
After this incident, Jean-Baptiste obtains a job at the perfume shop of Giuseppe Baldini after he proves himself to have an intuitive skill for creating perfumes. A key point in the film is when Baldini explains to him the secret to creating a great perfume: 12 "notes" and a final 13th to finish/complement the rest. Baldini relates a story of how an ancient tomb had been opened in Egypt, and that a bottle of perfume was discovered inside that not only still smelled pleasantly fragrant after thousands of years, but was so superb that supposedly all people on earth experienced a moment of peace. Twelve of the "notes" of the perfume were easily identified, but the last scent eluded discovery.
At Grenouille's request Baldini teaches him how to preserve scent, however, he is frustrated to discover that Baldini's method for capturing scent, maceration is not sufficient to capture the scents he desires to preserve. Baldini then informs him that there exists another method aside from the one he uses, enfleurage, but he is not educated in its secret. For further education on this he travels on foot to Grasse. After entering into the service of the perfumery located there and learning more about enfleurage, he conducts an experiment on a girl he captures to find that the method was unsuccessful. He then pays for a prostitute to be a subject of his but she is alarmed and refuses when he lathers her arm in animal fat and procures a rounded sickle-like tool for scraping the fat off. In a moment of indecision, he strikes a death blow to her with the sickle and proceeds to continue his experiment successfully. He kills 12 young women, each time successfully conserving their scent. The authorities are puzzled by the fact that although the bodies are discovered nude, they show no evidence of rape. Antoine Richis, a wealthy and deeply-respected citizen of Grasse, deduces the method by which the victims are selected: Each of the girls was exceptionally beautiful. Realizing this, he flees the town of Grasse with his daughter Laura because he knows that she, being easily the most beautiful girl in all of Grasse, will surely be an intended victim of the murderer. He attempts to throw the unknown and unseen villain off the trail by sending his carriage off in one direction after leaving the village and riding off in a different direction with Laure. However, Jean-Baptiste is doggedly persistent and follows them across the great distance, following their trail of scent. Despite Antoine's efforts to secure his daughter's life, Jean-Baptiste catches up with him and Laura in the distant town and that night murders Laura. Having brought along equipment to finish the enfleurage process, Jean-Baptist finally finishes his work and creates the perfume from the scents of the thirteen murdered girls. At the moment of completion, Grenouille is caught and after a trial, sentenced to death.

When the guards of Grasse come to escort him from his jail to the place of execution he applies the perfume to his body. The perfume Jean-Baptiste has created is so incredibly sublime, it renders a hypnotizing power over all who inhale its odor. Jean-Baptiste arrives at the town square in a carriage, dressed in the clothes of the official who had originally come to announce to him his death. He walks to the executioner, and due to the smell, everybody, notably the executioner, the authorities and the public, abandon the idea that he should be punished. They are so entranced that they take off their clothes in the town square, and an orgy en masse ensues. Antoine Richis manages to resist the bewitching effect of the perfume at first, watching from the background as the public descends into their carnal chaos. He then approaches Jean-Baptiste with sword in hand, intent on delivering to him the death he had originally been sentenced to, but finally he succumbs to the power of the perfume and kneeling and sobbing, clutches at Jean-Baptiste, expressing a wish to adopt him as his son.

The townspeople later wake up from their trance, the sight and reality of what has occurred being so shocking, so traumatic that the event is removed from the collective memory. An innocent man is made the scapegoat due to unfortunate association with where some evidence had been discovered, accused of the murders, sentenced to death and executed.

In the meantime Grenouille leaves Grasse to return to Paris. He realizes that even the scent does not help him to love and be loved. In Paris, in the presence of a group of derelicts, homeless people, and other dregs of society he pours the remaining scent over his head. The group of people become entranced; the sheer volume of scent so overwhelming, they think him to be divine ("An angel!") and they pile on top of him and subsequently devour him, leaving only his clothes and the empty bottle on the street. The next day his clothes are found by street children and you see the bottle of perfume as it drops one last drop of the powerful perfume on the ground.

Tuesday 9 October 2007

My favourite Picasso Picture

This picture is called Guernica, in spite I don't like the Picasso's style of painting, this picture is an exception. I think this is one of the most expresve pictures in the world because it has many symbolism and the artists did not need the use of colours to express the things he wanted to say to the rest of the world with respect to the Spanish civil war. Where there were two politic factions, one of them representing to the old Spain, one monarchist and Catholic; and the other one representing to the new Spain, industrialist.
Republicans (also known as Spanish loyalists) received weapons and volunteers from the Soviet Union, Mexico, the international Socialist movement and the International Brigades; there were even American volunteers, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The Republicans ranged from centrists who supported a moderately capitalist liberal democracy to revolutionary anarchists and communists; their power base was primarily secular and urban, but also included landless peasants, and it was particularly strong in industrial regions like Asturias and CataloniaThe conservative, strongly Catholic Basque country, along with Catalonia and Galicia sought autonomy or even independence from the central government of Madrid. This option was left open by the Republican government.

The Nationalists on the contrary opposed these separatist movements. The Nationalists had a generally wealthier, more conservative base of Catholic, monarchist, centralist, landowning and fascist interests, and they favoured the centralization of state power. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, as well as most Roman Catholic clergy, supported the Nationalists, while Portugal provided logistical support. Ireland sent 740 men to fight for the Nationalists and was the only country where pro-Franco volunteers outnumbered the anti-Franco volunteers. Despite the declaration by the Irish Government that participation in the war was illegal, 700 of Eoin O'Duffy's followers ("The Blueshirts") went to Spain to fight on Franco's side (around 250 other Irishmen went to fight for the Republicans). On arrival, however, the Irish contingent refused to fight the Basques for Franco, seeing parallels between their recent struggle and Basque aspirations. They saw their primary role in Spain as fighting communism, rather than defending Spain's territorial integrity. Eoin O'Duffy's men saw little fighting in Spain and were sent home by Franco after being accidentally fired on by Spanish Nationalist troops.
Guernica is a small village in Basque country tht was bombed by Luftwaffe on 1937. This picture reflects all the pain of an injust attack in a cruel war.

Monday 8 October 2007

A Site I enjoy deeply

I want to write about a site that I enjoy visiting. I like to read so much about Roman and Byzantine cultures. The first of them like the begining of the western culture, because the legacy of Rome extends directly to all the Mediterranean Sea, to the north of France and England too, and indirectly to all Europe and North and South America. The Byzantine Empire continues during nearly one thousand years the legacy of Rome on middle east. In spite of invasion of Muslim Arabs to Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Africa. And the conquer from western german kingdoms of Italia and Illyria.
The site is, though this was not the site I waqnted to include, it is similar to the other I wanted to include here, but for one strange reason that it is unknown for me the link is broken, but if someday the link becomes unbroken, I'll include too,, in this too sites, if avalaible, you can download files about the history and another topics about Eastern Roman Empire. the denomination Byzantine is from the western culture point of view. The inhabitants called to themselves as "Rhomioi" (Roman) and their country was called by them as "Basileia Rhomaion"(Roman Empire).

Thursday 16 August 2007

Masada, an useful sacrifice?

Once it was broadcast on television a picture whose name is "Masada", it tells about how a group of jews decides, after to having been destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, fighting against the Roman legions, from an unconquerable place, Masada fortress. But in spite of all that Roman Army could find the way to conquer the fortress.
The said fortress was built in the times of Herod the great, at the shores of Dead Sea, and its objective was to be one unconquerable, but after two years of a hard work, the romna people were ready to conquer the fortress on the top of the rock. But when they entered, they had nobody to fight with, the jews decided immolating themselves instead to be conquered by roman army, who, for sure, would enslave and show them like triumph signal.
Today that fact is used by Israel's Army in a similar way to Oath to Chilean flag on july 10th of each year,when soldiers swear to defend a textile piece with the very life. I think ideals of a country are not flesh in what thing is or is nat a flag, but rather what thing it must be defended is the citizens' lives, democratic institutions, the freedom, and not simply a pice of textile.
The thing I can rescue here is the sentence that the personage Flavius Silva, performed by Peter O'toole, who was the roman gobernor, said in a sarcastic way, of selfcritic towards the thing he was representing, all the power of Roman Empire in Judaea, soon to watch how the jews commited suicide "We have conquered a rock in the middle of a desert in the shores of a poisoned sea" what does it mind all those things

Friday 15 June 2007

About Chilean Educatión

The modern world has so many exigencies. For example, a person, who does not know to use a computer, is nearly a functional illiterate. The things that humankind knew only fifty years ago, nowadays has been duplicated. This real situation offers many challenges, in this sense, here in Chile, a big part of this new challenge should be mitigated by an education that be at high of every one of this new perspectives. This educational function must be a roll assumed by the State.
However, because of the politic facts of last forty years, the State renounced to its paper in primary and secondary education, and municipalities, from promulgation of the LOCE (Functional Constitutional Law of Education) on March 10 of 1990 (yes, the penultimate day of Augusto Pinochet's ditatorship), ought to assume this roll, that before it was of State and private people, and after the promulgation, it is the roll of municipalities, in the place that before occupied the State, and private people.
There are many municipalities that are very poor, they not even have money to sustain themselves, and now ought to get this additional charge. At the other hand, municipalities that have the sufficient money, select to students who can enter to one of their public schools (for example, Instituto Nacional, Internado Nacional Barros Arana, Liceo 1, Colegio Lastarria, etc.). Some private schools select their students, but not in others, it all depends of how much money holds the family of one student. There are another private school that work with money of fees and State subventions.
At the other hand, at professional Education, there are some Universities that belong to State (such as University of Chile, Universidad de Santiago, etc) and another that, in spite of being traditional universities are private (such as Pontifical Catholic University of Chile). And also are non-traditional universities (such as Adolfo Ibañez Univerity, Ucinf, etc.), they all are private.
Therefore, in conclusion, I can say that State has been very lazy with respecto to its roll in education. This has not assumed the challenges of the present world as its. And the education is one more merchandise or comoditity that only a few people may get of an acceptable quality.

History of Chilean Constitution of 1980

The current Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile, approved by Chilean voters in a tightly controlled plebiscite on September 11, 1980 (Exactly seven years after chilean coup d’etat), under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, effective March 11, 1981 and amended July 30 of 1989, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2005, replaced the earlier Constitution of 1925 (Written on first Presidency of Arturo Alessandri Palma). In its original permanent dispositions, it gave the President of the Republic a large amount of power and faculties; however, some of these dispositions, such as the power of dissolving the Lower Chamber of Congress and serving eight year terms with possibility of reelection, were modified or eliminated after 1990, when this country regained its democracy and the Congress was reestablished. It created some new institutions, such as the Constitutional Tribunal and the controversial National Security Council (COSENA).

In its temporary dispositions, the Constitution ordered the transition from the former military government, with Augusto Pinochet as President of the Republic, and the Legislative Power of the Military Junta (formed by the Commandants of the Navy, Air force, National Police[Carabineros], and a representative of the Army, the Commandant of the Army being president of the republic), to a civil one, with a time frame of eight years, during which the Legislative Power would still be the Military Junta. It set the first eight year presidential term for Pinochet, with a plebiscite in the eighth year, in which only one candidate, nominated by the Junta, would be accepted or not. The candidate, as expected, was Pinochet himself. While the steps to follow in the case of a triumph of the "yea" option, which the document obviously anticipated, were clearly delineated, the steps for the "nay" triumph were less so, but still clear enough that no serious doubt emerged when the "nay" option actually was victorious in the 1988 plebiscite.

After the plebiscite, several modifications to the Constitution were agreed and subjected to referendum, among them a simplification on the mechanism of future modification.

In 2005 over 50 reforms were approved, through law 20.050, which eliminated some of the remaining undemocratic areas of the text, such as the existence of non-elected Senators (institutional senators, or senators for life) and the inability of the President to remove the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, besides the paper that armed forces got of being guarantors of Constitution. These reforms led the President to controversially declare Chile's transition to democracy as complete. However, the anti-terrorist measures of it remained in force, and it seems that this kind of dispositions shan’t be countermanded during so much time.

The Chilean Constitutions before this last were these:

  • Regulation for the amendment of Executive provisory authority of Chile 1811
  • Constitutional Regulation 1812
  • Regulation for the provisory government 1814
  • Constitution of 1818
  • Constitution of 1822
  • Constitution of 1823
  • Federal Essay of 1826
  • Constitution of 1828 (Liberal constitution)
  • Constitution of 1833 (conservative constitution), and
  • Constitution of 1925
An interesting web site, where you can find all the history of Chilean Constitutions is, and besides you can find the official traslation of Chilean Constitution on this website, it is a PDF document that is the official traslation from Spanish to English of Chilean Constitution of 1980, in its original text.

Tuesday 5 June 2007

My favourite song

I now a lot of songs, many of them are very beautiful, I think there are many songs that make you remember some special moments in your life. You must consider many aspects to say a songs is good or bad, but a song can be so bad musically, but it becomes your favourite. The song I want to present you as one of my favourites is this:
I Thought About You - Frank Sinatra

I took a trip on a train,
and I thought about you.
I passed a shadowy lane,
and I thought about you.
Two or three cars parked under the stars,
windin' stream.
Moon shining down on some little town
And with each beam,
the same old dream.

And every stop that we made,
oh I thought about you.
And when I pulled down the shade,
then I really felt blue.
I peaked through the crack,
looked at the track,
One goin' back to you,
and what did I do
I thought about you.

(Musical interlude)

There were two or three cars parked under the stars,
a windin' stream.
Moon shining down on some little town
And with each beam,
the same old dream.

(Musical interlude)
And then I peaked through the crack
and I looked at that track,
The one goin' back to you,
and what did I do?
I thought about you.

I share with you the link where this song was uploaded by me, it is
Good luck

Hi, I'm Ramiro

Be welcome everybody who is visiting my blog. My name's Ramiro, I lived in Santiago, Chile. I'm 21 years old, and very soon I'll become 22 years old. I'm a student of law in the University of Chile.I was born at Santiago on July 11th of 1985. I think my life is really worthwhile, but not thanks law. This is only a very small "introducction" to my thought, and also for this is a homework for English Laboratory.
I hope after I can write more and many interesting stuffs. See you later.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

An interesting subject of law

In the daily study of law, one can realise that this word has got many meanings, some of then specific, another are general meanings. However law is also civil, constitutional, procedural or adjective. At the other hand, generally, the distinction is more small, between public law and private law. This diferenciation comes from roman law, because roman lawyers made distinction in the matters of general people and matters of an individual only. Respect to Procedural Law, it is spoken about a civil trial and criminal trial.
Wherefore the legal area of interest is, without doubts, civil law, as a very important branch in private law, because it is the most general in this law. Civil law gathers in it many diferent legal institutions, like marriage, laboral law, mortgage, family law, law of contract and obligations, buying and selling of good, mobile and inmobile. It is so hard to study that here, in Chile, a person who study law (unless in the University of Chile) have this subject during three years. including Civil Law I (Introducction to the private law), Civil Law II (Juridic act), Civil Law III (Obligations), Civil Law IV (Goods and law property), Civil Law V (cuasi ex contrato and Civil responsibility) and Civil Law VI (Family law), furthermore of a special part of contracts.
I can recomend you the next websites:, it is a very wonderful site about civil law. Concerning the difference between criminal law and civil law respect to procedural law, there's a site, this site is another wonderful one, and it clarifies many differences between these two kind of trials.

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Law websites

In this subject, called law, it's very important have some technologic help to learn and understand several concepts. I have chosen 3 websites in this occasion to expose you.
The first one is In this site, if you have a doubt concerning to some legal terms and definitions, you can write in the search tools, and this site will answer you. It's a beautiful site, and it's very easy to find your question.

The sencond one would be This site presents you a serie of legal topics, as real state, inmigration, criminal law, etc., this site invites you to search your interest area. Although, I think this site is not so beautiful and it's not so easy to find some subject.

And finally, the third one, This site treats specificly about civil law. In my country, the civil law is a very important legal issue, because every lawyer who is called to the bar, had to study during three years the subject of civil law. This site is horrible, not only because this includes a photography of Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley, it also is nearly a monocromatic site, it truly AWFUL. The link is

Wednesday 9 May 2007

The most important day of my life

I could say that the most important day in my life was one when I was 16 years old. I remember the date, inclusive. This day marked my future because I felt my life had just begun. Since that day and hour I began to see more different the things and my relationship with them.
Nevertheless I resisted to change for a long time, but what could I do? I thought love was calling to my heart's door. However, everything there was a lie, the things I thought were not how they seemed to be. She had nearly sold the moon and heaven above. Thenceforward I couldn't get back and became the very boy I had been until that moment. She was so lovely, that's why I couldn't resist her, but she cast me aside
So, everything is in the past, Therefore, I cannot go back and change this fact, because I wouldn't have acted so foolish.
Creative Commons License
El diario de la vida de Ramiro Elias Mella Sagredo (abreviado) by Ramiro Mella Sagredo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 2.0 Chile License.