Wednesday 30 May 2007

An interesting subject of law

In the daily study of law, one can realise that this word has got many meanings, some of then specific, another are general meanings. However law is also civil, constitutional, procedural or adjective. At the other hand, generally, the distinction is more small, between public law and private law. This diferenciation comes from roman law, because roman lawyers made distinction in the matters of general people and matters of an individual only. Respect to Procedural Law, it is spoken about a civil trial and criminal trial.
Wherefore the legal area of interest is, without doubts, civil law, as a very important branch in private law, because it is the most general in this law. Civil law gathers in it many diferent legal institutions, like marriage, laboral law, mortgage, family law, law of contract and obligations, buying and selling of good, mobile and inmobile. It is so hard to study that here, in Chile, a person who study law (unless in the University of Chile) have this subject during three years. including Civil Law I (Introducction to the private law), Civil Law II (Juridic act), Civil Law III (Obligations), Civil Law IV (Goods and law property), Civil Law V (cuasi ex contrato and Civil responsibility) and Civil Law VI (Family law), furthermore of a special part of contracts.
I can recomend you the next websites:, it is a very wonderful site about civil law. Concerning the difference between criminal law and civil law respect to procedural law, there's a site, this site is another wonderful one, and it clarifies many differences between these two kind of trials.

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