Wednesday 16 May 2007

Law websites

In this subject, called law, it's very important have some technologic help to learn and understand several concepts. I have chosen 3 websites in this occasion to expose you.
The first one is In this site, if you have a doubt concerning to some legal terms and definitions, you can write in the search tools, and this site will answer you. It's a beautiful site, and it's very easy to find your question.

The sencond one would be This site presents you a serie of legal topics, as real state, inmigration, criminal law, etc., this site invites you to search your interest area. Although, I think this site is not so beautiful and it's not so easy to find some subject.

And finally, the third one, This site treats specificly about civil law. In my country, the civil law is a very important legal issue, because every lawyer who is called to the bar, had to study during three years the subject of civil law. This site is horrible, not only because this includes a photography of Richard Nixon and Elvis Presley, it also is nearly a monocromatic site, it truly AWFUL. The link is

1 comment:

Professor said...


Excellent work! Your Blog is well written and you found some very useful links to post. I hope to see you more in class. There are only a few more weeks left, so it is very important that you come.

Have a great weekend,

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El diario de la vida de Ramiro Elias Mella Sagredo (abreviado) by Ramiro Mella Sagredo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 2.0 Chile License.