Wednesday 9 May 2007

The most important day of my life

I could say that the most important day in my life was one when I was 16 years old. I remember the date, inclusive. This day marked my future because I felt my life had just begun. Since that day and hour I began to see more different the things and my relationship with them.
Nevertheless I resisted to change for a long time, but what could I do? I thought love was calling to my heart's door. However, everything there was a lie, the things I thought were not how they seemed to be. She had nearly sold the moon and heaven above. Thenceforward I couldn't get back and became the very boy I had been until that moment. She was so lovely, that's why I couldn't resist her, but she cast me aside
So, everything is in the past, Therefore, I cannot go back and change this fact, because I wouldn't have acted so foolish.

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El diario de la vida de Ramiro Elias Mella Sagredo (abreviado) by Ramiro Mella Sagredo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 2.0 Chile License.