Friday, 15 June 2007

About Chilean Educatión

The modern world has so many exigencies. For example, a person, who does not know to use a computer, is nearly a functional illiterate. The things that humankind knew only fifty years ago, nowadays has been duplicated. This real situation offers many challenges, in this sense, here in Chile, a big part of this new challenge should be mitigated by an education that be at high of every one of this new perspectives. This educational function must be a roll assumed by the State.
However, because of the politic facts of last forty years, the State renounced to its paper in primary and secondary education, and municipalities, from promulgation of the LOCE (Functional Constitutional Law of Education) on March 10 of 1990 (yes, the penultimate day of Augusto Pinochet's ditatorship), ought to assume this roll, that before it was of State and private people, and after the promulgation, it is the roll of municipalities, in the place that before occupied the State, and private people.
There are many municipalities that are very poor, they not even have money to sustain themselves, and now ought to get this additional charge. At the other hand, municipalities that have the sufficient money, select to students who can enter to one of their public schools (for example, Instituto Nacional, Internado Nacional Barros Arana, Liceo 1, Colegio Lastarria, etc.). Some private schools select their students, but not in others, it all depends of how much money holds the family of one student. There are another private school that work with money of fees and State subventions.
At the other hand, at professional Education, there are some Universities that belong to State (such as University of Chile, Universidad de Santiago, etc) and another that, in spite of being traditional universities are private (such as Pontifical Catholic University of Chile). And also are non-traditional universities (such as Adolfo Ibañez Univerity, Ucinf, etc.), they all are private.
Therefore, in conclusion, I can say that State has been very lazy with respecto to its roll in education. This has not assumed the challenges of the present world as its. And the education is one more merchandise or comoditity that only a few people may get of an acceptable quality.

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El diario de la vida de Ramiro Elias Mella Sagredo (abreviado) by Ramiro Mella Sagredo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 2.0 Chile License.