Monday 8 October 2007

A Site I enjoy deeply

I want to write about a site that I enjoy visiting. I like to read so much about Roman and Byzantine cultures. The first of them like the begining of the western culture, because the legacy of Rome extends directly to all the Mediterranean Sea, to the north of France and England too, and indirectly to all Europe and North and South America. The Byzantine Empire continues during nearly one thousand years the legacy of Rome on middle east. In spite of invasion of Muslim Arabs to Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Africa. And the conquer from western german kingdoms of Italia and Illyria.
The site is, though this was not the site I waqnted to include, it is similar to the other I wanted to include here, but for one strange reason that it is unknown for me the link is broken, but if someday the link becomes unbroken, I'll include too,, in this too sites, if avalaible, you can download files about the history and another topics about Eastern Roman Empire. the denomination Byzantine is from the western culture point of view. The inhabitants called to themselves as "Rhomioi" (Roman) and their country was called by them as "Basileia Rhomaion"(Roman Empire).

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