Thursday 22 November 2007

Faculty of Law

This is a Sketch I made on Faculty of law. I hope you can enjoy it, thanks for everything.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Elías' blog

The purpose of this post is to give you an explanation and one evaluation about de Blog of Elías, which is called "Elias's newspaper" I have sometimes visited his site, but in this ocasion I'll write about my current perception of the site. I think the post are good, the explanations and style of writing are clear and interesting. The chromatic combination, among the text, the links and the site, makes very easy the work of reading, the colours make a difference very useful.
I think he should write more about the topics he exposed there in the posts. One waits to find more with respect to favourite websites, or more about the life and work of Totila Albert. However, I get surprised with the blog, because it is very good, well done, not boring... an invitation to read.

A beautiful experience

My experience with blogs began on 2005, many times I have heard about blogs, but I didn't know what was it, how was it, etc. Then I opened on 3rd October of 2005 with the title Historiae mundi iusque ignoti (Stories of a wold and a law unknown) and the first post was "Las divagaciones de la Microeconomía" (Translated: "Microeconomics ramblings"). In that post I began speaking about a on that subject, I continued with a brief description on The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, and after about a certain topics (The link is On the past years I decided opened a new one Called "Mefistófeles", with respect to a Civil Law final(
But this years I had to create a new blog for the subject of English. In my first blogs I had published texts in english, but not the whole blogs was in english, but this, called "Learn Easy", has been definitively very good experience, because it is an oportunity to develop some skills in written english, and a potential tool to reach that other kind of people know my opinion about some topics.
However, I think that time play against this activity, because one have not always enough time to write all the things one wants to write.
Creative Commons License
El diario de la vida de Ramiro Elias Mella Sagredo (abreviado) by Ramiro Mella Sagredo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivadas 2.0 Chile License.